
Earlier this week I bought Amber Brooks and David Vallier's Album 'Sovereign'. There are far too many amazing tracks on this album for me to share them all, but you should definitely buy it on itunes if you have a spare £7.99 knocking around. 

I've been a fan of David and Amber's since I attended the Worship and Warfare conference in South Carolina at their church in 2009. I bought Amber's album 'Still I rise' whilst I was there and three years on it is still on me and my husbands regular play lists. She writes in such a unique way and uses sounds that are so refreshing from the standard guitar band set up of most contemporary worship.  

David Vallier also has such a unique voice and sound, and together they have made a stunning album. Here is an acoustic version of the title track 'sovereign' which I have been listening to all week. 



Girl On Fire

I recently went to see 'The Hunger Games' movie at the cinema and LOVED it. I'm told I didn't enjoy it as much as those who read the book first, but I don't care. I really enjoyed it.

Sadly this song, 'Girl On Fire' by Ella Mae Bowen didn't make it into the movie, but it is on the soundtrack. I'm a massive fan of Ella Mae Bowen, ever since her amazing cover of Bonnie Tyler's 'Holding out for a Hero'. It's such a beautiful haunting version of a classic song. So different from the original, it's innovative and stunning.


April Shower

I haven't done this for aaaages.... but anyway, here is my song for the week.

Disney's April Shower - in honour of the fact that we had my sisters baby shower yesterday, and it's april, obviously.

Baby D is due on wednesday - So exciting!!